Thursday, January 14, 2010


August 15th, 1980
The Lord Jesus and the Blessed Virgin spoke to me alternating between them. The word of the Blessed Virgin sounded with a firm but loving energy in my heart. She asked the clergy, the persons consecrated to God (religious, nuns) and faithful Christians of the whole world that they, having the possibility to do it, keep fasting on Mondays with bread and water.
The Lord Jesus : "The Church and the whole world are in serious danger, and you, by your own power, you cannot change the situation. Only the Most Holy Trinity can help you, through the concerted effort of the Most Holy Virgin, all Angels and Saints, and the souls freed with your help".
According to the communication of the Blessed Virgin:
B.V.-The priests, if they keep the Monday fast, will liberate in each of the holy masses they celebrate that week, at the moment of the Consecration, multitudinously (*) souls of Purgatory.
The persons consecrated to God and the laity, keeping the Monday fast, will liberate in the course of that week, every time they receive communion and at the very moment they receive the Sacred Body of the Lord, a multitude of souls of Purgatory.
(*) Elizabeth asked later on: -What is the meaning of multitudinously? One thousand, one million of souls ?
Jesus: - "More !"
Elizabeth :- Anyway, how many ?
Jesus :- "Numerous souls, so many that it cannot be expressed with human numbers !"
Let us not feel hungry, but let us eat bread in abundance and drink water ! We can put salt on our bread. We can take vitamins, drugs and whatever is absolutely necessary to our condition, but not for feasting.
B.V.- "Those who regularly keep fast, it is sufficient for them to keep it up to six in the evening. In this case, let them recite a rosary of five mysteries this very day for souls".
COMMENT : To see how efficient a means for us is fasting, we find some examples in the Gospel. Let us think of the curative action of disciples, in Saint Marc 9, 14. The Disciples of Jesus asked Him : "Why could we not eject this devil"? He said them : "This kind of devil can be expelled only by prayer and fast" (9, 28). In these times, this kind of devil wants to undermine souls.

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